HISET (formally GED)

Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge in collaboration with East Baton Rouge School System -Adult and Continuing Education provides the HISET.  The High School Equivalency Test (HISET) exam is the new alternative to the GED test, it can help you achieve the important state-issued high school equivalency credential. Passing the HiSET exam shows that you have attained the academic knowledge and proficiency equivalent to those of a high school graduate. The HiSET exam has also been aligned to the Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) College and Career Readiness (CCR) Standards for Adult Education that were released in April 2013. The HiSET diploma/ certificate is accepted by employers and accredited colleges in all 50 of the United States.  At Family Road you are able to take the TABE Placement Test, and also receive referrals to help you locate the Adult Education Center nearest you. Family Road is located on two bus lines and classes are in the evenings. To enroll, bring a state-issued ID or birth certificate and Social Security card. A student must be at least 19 years old and not enrolled in K-12. Call early! Placement test and referrals are FREE.